Combustion Equipment
Custom Combustion Solutions for Multiple Applications

Van Dam is a combustion equipment fabricator that designs and builds a large variety of combustion systems such as:
- Flares and Stacks
- Direct Fire Heaters (Box & Cylindrical Types)
- Reformers
- Thermal Oxidizers
- Waste Heat Recovery Units
- Silencers
The above equipment can be delivered with instrumentation & Control systems.
In addition, our team can assist with engineering services, logistics, system startups and after sales services.
With our Fabrication and assembly Dry Docks in the US we are able to manufacture and fully assemble the equipment and transported in completely assembled modules in Barges direct to the Jobsite.
We can manufacture using the best Combustion fired heater technology Companies, enabling the transfer of Thermal and Process Guarantees directly to client and provide Start up and Commissioning services.
Client is able to select Burners & Instrumentation Brands according to their needs.